EFEE Newsletter Feb 2018

Published On:
March 6, 2018


Dear Members

It is almost spring, the sun is going higher every day and we have a new edition of EFEE Newsletter for you.

Please find modern, technical articles, good advertisements and entertainment – all connected to your industry.

The Newsletter can be found as a web magazine on the following link:


And if you just wish to download an ordinary PDF file, please visit the Newsletter archive on our web page www.efee.eu/newsletter

Before you leave this e-mail, also check the attachments, as this edition comes with updated news from the Explosives Working group, the attachments will give you more information on the technical side of the article.


In case of any questions, ideas or comments, please do not hesitate to write to us. You are also welcome to share our Newsletter to all who might be interested, it is free of charge.


Until next time – May 2018!

With warm greetings,

Teele Tuuna

Editor EFEE


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