iCRAG 2019, 2nd Research Conference , 2nd December 2019

Published On:
October 21, 2019

The Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences (iCRAG) 2nd Research Conference, iCRAG 2019 – Resources for a Sustainable Future, will take place in Croke Park on Monday 2nd December 2019. The one-day event will showcase the research outcomes of iCRAG projects and deliver insights into future directions for Irish geoscience research. There will be a particular focus on how the Irish geoscience research sector can play a leading role in addressing the Climate Action Plan and Ireland’s commitments to the UN Sustainable Development Goals as the country transitions to a low carbon economy. The showcase will bring together iCRAG’s 150 researchers from across eight Irish research institutes and will consist of over 35 talks, keynote addresses, dedicated poster sessions and panel discussion.

Registration is free via eventbrite here<https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/icrag-2019-tickets-67202218645>

The preliminary programme is available here<https://www.icrag-centre.org/icrag2019/programme/>.

All updates and information will be posted on the iCRAG 2019 page<https://www.icrag-centre.org/icrag2019/> on the iCRAG website here<https://www.icrag-centre.org/icrag2019/>.


Croke Park directions https://goo.gl/maps/8q258mA4mJdCoY5y5

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