IMQS Annual General Meeting – 2018

Published On:
February 22, 2018

The IMQS Annual General Meeting was held on 20th February 2018 at the Spa Hotel.

The AGM included the Honorary Secretary’s Report, the Treasurers Report, an address by the President and the election of the Council for 2018. The full content of the President’s report can be seen on the IMQS website.

The list of Council Members can be seen on the IMQS Website.

The AGM and presentation was attended by approximately 50 members and it proved to be a very enjoyable night with members networking before and afterwards.

Dalradian Gold Presentation

Following the AGM, a team from Dalradian Gold delivered an excellent presentation on the mine, including the history, current application process, environmental management and the plan for the future. The Dalradian presentation team are shown below:


Greg Hope – Exploration and Geology Manager (Right)

Emma Brosnan – Senior Resource Geologist (2nd Right)

Anthony Moran – Health and Safety Manager (Left)

Peter McKenna – Community Relations Manager (2n

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