Real Time Mining Demonstration Day and Conference

Published On:
April 1, 2019


26th and 27th March 2019: Demonstration Day and 2nd Conference

Mike Lowther, IMQS Council Member , was in attendence at the Demonstration Day and 2nd Conference as a member of the External Expert Advisory Board. This was held in Freiberg, Saxony at the end of March.
The overall aim of Real-Time-Mining is to develop a real-time framework to decrease environmental impact and increase resource efficiency in the European raw material extraction industry.
The key concept of the research conducted is to promote a paradigm shift from discontinuous to a continuous process monitoring and quality management system in highly selective mining operations.
The positive impact of the project will be achieved through improvements in process efficiency and resource utilization. These will increase energy efficiency and facilitate significant improvements in the environmental performance of mining operations by reducing the emissions and wastes generated. It is considered that deposits which are currently thought as economically marginal or difficult to access could become viable.

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