Sean Canney TD delivers keynote address at the IMQS 60th Anniversary Dinner Dance

Published On:
November 15, 2018

The Irish Mining and Quarrying Society hosted its 60th Anniversary Dinner Dance last Saturday, November 10th, in the K Club, Straffan, Co Kildare. The IMQS welcomed Sean Canney TD, Minister of State for Natural Resources, as its Guest of Honour.

Minister Canney, in delivering his keynote address to the 300 guests, noted his Department’s (the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment) ongoing support for Ireland’s extractives industry and outlined its importance in delivering on Ireland’s construction needs in the coming years.

Roy Wallace, Chairman of Institute of Quarrying’s NI Branch, provided industry updates from the Northern Ireland sector, and John Francis, IMQS President, closed the evening by highlighting some key moments from the Society’s 60-year history and looks forward to the continued fostering, development and communication of Ireland’s extractive industries.

The IMQS wishes to thank all its Members and Corporate Partners which supported the evening.

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