Fraser Institute Survey 2017

Published On:
February 28, 2018
In February 2018, the Fraser Institute published its Survey of Mining Companies for 2017. Ireland has scored highly having again been ranked No. 1 for Policy Perception Index, the fourth year in a row.  We are ranked 4th for overall attractiveness – up from 9th last year.  Only enough data to score 91 jurisdictions this year.

Key indices included:

Enforcement of regulations/ uncertainty for administration : 1st

Legal system: 2nd

Taxation regime: 4th

Uncertainty concerning disputed land claims: 2nd

Quality of infrastructure: 1st

Socio-economic agreements: 3rd

Trade barriers: Joint 1st

Political stability: Joint 1st

Labour regulations; 6th

Geological Databases: Joint 1st with Sweden and Northern Ireland

Security: 6th but all ahead of us have the same score



The Republic of Ireland is a jurisdiction where they do as they say, constantly, and in a

transparent manner. Officials have a can-do attitude that follows the laws of the land,

which is a refreshing change.

—An exploration company, Company president

This jurisdiction processes license approvals in a timely manner (normally 1–2 months)

and permissions to drill can be issued within weeks. Ireland’s efficient administrative

processes ultimately encourage investment.

—An exploration company, Senior management


Northern Ireland:

Overall – 47th

Policy – 6th


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