All persons involved in or associated with the Extractive Industry are welcome to apply for membership of the Society, providing they satisfy the criteria specified in the Society Constitution.

Membership Application Process

All applications should be submitted, including payment, by using one of the tabs or the printed form at the rear of the Annual Review.

Applications will be brought before the next sitting of Council for consideration. Acceptance of an application is at the discretion of the council and final. If an applicant’s submission is rejected, their payment will be refunded.

Membership fees are renewed in January of each year.

Membership Renewal

Individuals and Corporate members can renew their membership by bank transfer (preferred) or via Paypal below.

Bank Transfer (preferred) – please include your name on the transfer note.

IMQS Membership Levels

Ordinary Membership

Ordinary Members shall be persons in the natural resources and extractive industries and in allied and associated industries, or in the provision of services to the natural resources and extractive industries, or in education with reference to the natural resources.

Corporate Membership

Corporate members are companies in the natural resources and extractive industries and in allied and associated industries, or in the provision of services to the natural resources and extractive industries, or in education with reference to the natural resources who wish to support the extractive industry. Share and gain knowledge.

Honorary Membership

Honorary Fellows have distinguished themselves by their scientific, technical, or administrative activities in the natural resources and extractive industries, or have made important contributions to the advancement of the natural resources and extractive industries and/or the Society.

Fellowship Membership

Fellows of the Society who have been elected by the Council, who have paid their annual dues, and who remain in good standing are entitled to put the letters FIMQS after their name.


Student membership to the Irish Mining and Quarrying Society is free of charge.

Student Members shall be persons engaged in study or training, directed towards employment in the natural resources or extractive industries. 

aerial view of an irish mine

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